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10. Properties of Dust Storms Affecting EVA

2005: IVA-7
2010: Not Included
Priority: N/A

2005 Version

7. Investigation. Determine the meteorological properties of dust storms at ground level that affect human occupation and EVA.

  • Pressure (P), temperature (T), velocity (v), and dust density (opacity) as a function of time at the surface, for at least a Martian year, to obtain an understanding of the possible meteorological hazards inside dust storms. Surface package measure directly:

Same as requirement for 1Bb with added
Dust size: 1-100 mm
Dust density: 2-2000 grains/cc

  • Orbiting weather station: optical and infrared measurements to monitor the dust storm frequency, size and occurrence over a year, and measure terrain roughness and thermal inertia. Climate sounder would enable middle atmosphere temperature measurements. In situ density or spacecraft drag sensors could monitor the dust storm atmosphere inflation at high altitudes. Same as requirement 1Bc.

MEPAG (2008), Mars Scientific Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities: 2008, J.R. Johnson, ed., 37 p. white paper posted September, 2008 by the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) at

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